
  • Automating my personalized 3D Designs with Python

    Introduction Personalized items often take a lot of time to be created. In my last 3D-printing project, I created a flower vase with 54 diffent names, which I had to insert into a similar image as the one above by hand. This time consuming process leads to increased costs for each product and therefore I…

  • Manipulating SVGs with Python: Automated Menu Creation

    SVGs (Scalable Vector Graphics) are a versatile format for creating and displaying vector-based graphics. Python makes it easy to manipulate SVG files dynamically for tasks like generating weekly menus. To deepen my knowledge about SVG manipulation in Python, I created a fictive menu template for a restaurant and wrote a script to insert the weekly…

  • Classify your Dog’s Breed or Find your Barking Twin: My Journey into Neural Networks

    Introduction Do you know those dog people, who know everything about their pawed companion and can tell the breed of every dog they meet, when going for walk? I do definitely not belong to these people. For me, some dogs look more similar than others to each other, but I would never be sure about…

  • Personalize Your Content Feed: Building a Recommendation Engine for Articles on the IBM Watson Studio platform

    Do you also know the moment, when an online recommendation almost exactly matches with products, that you have talked about in the last minute? Scary at first glance… But if online recommendations really match the interests of users, they may simplify the searching process and enhance the user experience of websites and platforms a lot.…

  • Taming the Flood of Messages: The Power of NLP in Categorization

    Can you remember the flood of mails you encountered on the first day after your last vacation? Sometimes it takes days to work through the mountains of mails. Now imagine, that there would be someone, who categorizes all mails into a set of predefined categories for you. This makes the bunch of mails less overwhelming,…

  • Understanding Airbnb Prices: Insights for your next Trip

    Price relations and patterns of Airbnb listings in Seattle, Washington Introduction Have you ever asked yourself about the factors linked to higher renting prices? When I usually search for my next holiday accomodation, I begin by entering the number of persons, bedrooms and a downside rating threshold. Throughout my analysis of the Seattle Airbnb dataset,…

  • Pedaling Through the Numbers: Analyzing San Francisco’s Go Ford Bike Rental System

    As part of my Udacity Nanodegree Course „Data Analyst“, I was provided with a interesting dataset about the Bike Rental System „Go Ford“ in San Francisco and analysed basic user information and their corrensponding bike renting behavior, that might be relevant for marketing purposes. The dataset contains informations about start- and endtime, trip duration, start-…

  • Investigating the Occupation of Heidelberg’s Parking Garages

    Introduction If you’ve ever driven into city centers, you know that the search for a parking spot can be a bit of a challenge, especially in the heart of the city. Like many people, I’ve circled through the winding streets, hoping to stumble upon an open space in one of the parking garages. To keep…

  • Faule Ostereier-Osterdeko mal etwas anders

    Der Gang in die Geschäfte lässt irgendwie vermuten, dass Ostern bald wieder vor der Tür steht. Reich geschmückte Ostereier und lachende Osterhasen in bunter Alufolie winken überall aus den Supermarktregalen. Was aber ganz sicher für den Lacher beim Blick ins Osternest sorgt sind diese beiden faulen Eier. Statt mit üppiger Bemalung zu glänzen, sitzen die…

  • Schlüsselanhänger Lebkuchenherz

    Dieser kleine Schlüsselanhänger in der traditionellen Form eines Lebkuchenherzens stand schon lange auf meiner To Do-Liste. Inspiriert von den wunderschönen bunten Herzen auf Weihnachstsmärkten und Volksfesten erinnert er mich an den herrlichen Duft von gebrannten Mandeln, leuchtenden Kinderaugen und lässt die Vorfreude auf das nächste Volksfest in mir wachsen.